About Teresa Thomas, LMBT

Theresa Thomas kneeling in a stream with her hands in the “namaste” position.

For over a decade, Teresa Thomas, (known fondly as Tree) has been diligently following the call of her heart deeper into the study of body-centered therapy and human spirituality. As a licensed massage therapist since 2010 she discovered patterns of trauma in the physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental of her own and the other. She blends trigger point, and medical massage knowledge with shamanic and intuitive practices to create a magical experience on the table, creating the space for keen body awareness.

Through her desire for healing ancestral wounds, spirit guided her into the mountains of Asheville, N.C. to work directly with those who came before her in rituals and ceremonies passed down of the Dagara Tribe of West Africa, shamanism, The Four Shields of human nature, and Native American teachings; using nature as the technology for self and ancestral healing. Her training and initiation in the ceremonial art of guiding initiatory rites of passage with Kedar Brown has been evolving over the years showing up on the land with tribe assisting and guiding as a ceremonial midwife, fire tender of sweat lodge, grief rituals, ritual prescription, vision quest and her most joyous as head kitchen witch. This is where she has been creating magic with groups through the seasons of life.

Since 2016, Teresa has continually evolved through healing work of a deep unwinding of the physical body with subtle, yet profound shadow work that addresses the energy centers with consent while utilizing breathwork, sound, movement, guides and the elements as intentional tools.  She believes deeply in our innate ability to tap into an inner source and serves as a facilitating guide to others. She spent 4+ years healing her essence in Sacred Sexual Awakening & Healing (The AH practice) while mentoring with Amrita Grace. Tree is a Certified Spiritual Sexual Educator now.

Teresa discovered ISTA with Crystal Dawn and Frank Mondeose in 2019 where she found a deepening magic into the mysteries of temple arts. With the ISTA tribe she has found self acceptance unlike any other through a personal experience of universal love where she continues to grow and expand.

In 2020 Tree discovered a trauma-informed, somatic breath work practice called Biodynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System (BBTRS). This is where she discovered grace within the body over the next 4 years. This gentle, yet powerful balanced practice is rooted in trauma release and rewiring the nervous system. It’s offered in a series of 7 sessions as you address each belt of tension of the body.

She dedicates her work to her three wonderful children. As each of them have been her greatest teachers in life. Teresa is a harvester and creator of the natural world that is often found creating herbal creams, tinctures, elixirs, candles, playing in the woods, foraging mushrooms, or dancing around waterfalls...anywhere she can make life abundant.

Teresa is aptly nicknamed given that her deep connection to nature is a source of her intuitive understanding of the energetic world. With an open heart, her compassionate approach to client and group work sparks deep connection, strongly led by Source to create leading-edge experiences in alignment with truth and wellbeing.