Group Offerings and Workshops

Between Earth and Sky

Seasonal One-Day Healing Retreats for Women

Saturday May 25th, 2024

Saturday July 27th, 2024

Saturday October 12th, 2024

1pm - 8pm

This one-day, heart-centered retreat is designed to help us re-kindle our relationship with the sacred so we can:

  • Touch in to our place of belonging in the world

  • Return to our bodies and senses

  • Reconnect to the natural world

  • Move out old blockages to our vital life force

  • Rest back into being held by that which is bigger than ourselves

What will we be doing?

Our day together includes:

  • Forest bathing

  • Cacao ceremony

  • BBTRS Breathwork (Learn more below)

  • Sound Healing

  • Nourishing dinner

The group is limited to 12 women * (anyone who lives their life with the social identity “woman” is welcome)

Follow this link to find out more and register!

The Seasons of Womanhood

The Seasons of Womanhood

Seasons of Womanhood Welcome - 9 month hybrid program

Seasons of Womanhood - An Invitation to the Fullness of Your Womanhood — Rites of Passage Council

Starting On Monday, March 18th 2024 we gather online to begin our exploration of the 13 core women’s archetypes.

These archetypes correspond to both the solar year and the lunar cycle to provide us with a map to explore the territory of being a woman.

Understanding which archetypes we are each working with helps us craft rituals that honor those phases yet unmarked, deepen into our current phase or cross the threshold into what’s next.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3