Biodynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System (BBTRS)

I am trained as an online and in-person Biodynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System® facilitator and am accepting new clients. The training is for online and/or in person session. The training includes 460 hours of experience as a foundation and is accredited with the massage board as well as the breathwork alliance

The Biodynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System® (BBTRS) is a six-element approach in somatic healing that integrates deep connected breathing with conscious touch, movement, emotional release, sound and meditation; for intuitive healing where and when it’s needed most. Heal past trauma, connect with your authentic being, and feel joy and peace. The six elements are as follows…

Conscious connected breathing is used to charge the body, activating specific muscular belts of tension and emotional patterns. There is a 7-session series used to address the whole body over time to stimulate, release and regulate mind/body healing. The breath is also used to teach emotional regulation.

BBTRS uses movement in a multitude of ways including creative exercises that activate specific stuck areas of the body that hold tension. Other movements included are undulating spinal release, whole body shaking, fascial release, dancing, active meditation and tremors.

Emotional release happens when you allow yourself to feel completely. This is natural, just as you expand and contract with exhales and inhales.

Sound has profound effects on the nervous system and is used in various ways to move stuck energy. It is used through music and voice or toning.

Touch can be healing when used with intent. In BBTRS touch is used energetically and at times into deep core muscles. The application of touch is used with awareness to support energy flow and as a resource.

Meditation is used at the beginning and end. In the beginning it is used to support resonance in the practitioner and at the end for the client to fully integrate their session with relaxation.

Most of us have experienced emotional or physical trauma on some level, which can restrict our breathing and capacity to feel our body and emotions. The resulting body armoring and muscular tension can endure for years. BBTRS’ integrative sessions support you to consciously release trauma and live with greater aliveness, freedom, and connection to others.

For more details Breathwork & Trauma Healing, A Trauma Release System for Practitioners (


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